Systematic Theology 1 (ST 250)

Systematic Theology 1 (ST 250)

A course completing the study of Systematic Theology with special attention given to the doctrines of the person and work of Christ, the Holy Spirit, salvation, the church, and last things. Such issues as nature and extent of salvation, the origin, nature and future of the church, and the eternal state are explored.

In relation to God, the doctrines we will address in detail for this class will allow the Servant
Leader to begin to assimilate a methodical understanding of God, His Word, and how His Word
relates to His creation. This class establishes the foundational structure of Systematic Theology
and as such is a requirement before the Servant Leader may take Systematic Theology II.

Click Here to download the full syllabus for Systematic Theology 1 (ST 250) [PDF]